EGA EcoMaster
Views: 3,4991992SharewareSimulation / Strategy
Cascoly Software
EcoMaster is "an ecology simulation in which you try to predict how animals will survive in a series of different … VIEW
Views: 3,4781997SharewareSimulation / Strategy
Laboratory for Recreational Computing at the University of North TexasSpectrum Pacific Publishing
Subhunt is an interesting submarine mission simulation game developed by a group at a university game development lab: … VIEW
Hamburger Hell
Views: 3,4771986FreewareSidescrolling
J. P. Jansen
Hamburger Hell looks like a text-mode version of Burger Time, but it's nowhere close to that arcade classic. Here you do … VIEW
Break It
Views: 3,4711996SharewareBall & Paddle
Break It is a decent Arkanoid / Breakout clone with decent graphics & sounds. It plays just like Arkanoid, and you can … VIEW
Galaga 94
Views: 3,4691994FreewareClassic
Arnold Pichler
Galaga 94 is a fairly basic Galaga clone, unsurprisingly unsanctioned by Namco. Created in the year 1994, the graphics … VIEW
Sea Hunt
Views: 3,4671987SharewareTraditional (Board Games)
Sea Hunt is a pretty generic implementation of a Battleship game. You choose the computer opponent's difficulty (ranging … VIEW
Moraff's Pinball
Views: 3,4521989SharewareSimulation / Strategy
Moraff's Pinball is a bit of an outlier for the Moraffware family of games, since the other games fit into the RPG or … VIEW
AM's Mini Golf 3D
Views: 3,4461996SharewareSports
Andrew McNab
AM's Mini Golf 3D is a competently done mini golf game with a 3D perspective that can be rotated, zoomed, and angled. … VIEW
Views: 3,4451995FreewareTetris Style
Axe Productions
Qwat is a Tetris clone, which follows the original pretty closely except for the well being slightly larger than usual … VIEW
Men in War
Views: 3,4361996SharewareAction
Imagination Development
Men in War is a two or three player deathmatch game, where you battle your friends (while likely bumping each other as … VIEW