Solar Winds: The Escape
I had a bit of a problem putting this game in a category, since it includes quite a bit of adventure elements along with … VIEW
Jazz Jackrabbit: Holiday Hare 1995
Views: 20,8901995FreewareSidescrolling
Epic Megagames
Already played Jazz Jackrabbit: Holiday Hare 1994 and want more Jazz action? This is the follow-up to the 1994 … VIEW
Views: 20,8701989Public DomainSimulation / Strategy
Harrell W. Stiles
MinerVGA is part strategy, part maze exploration, and part simulation. The object is to mine as many precious metals out … VIEW
Marshmallow Duel
Views: 20,8251996Full versionAction
Duncan Gill
Two-player combat action! However, it isn't combat in the usual 3D shooter sense. Here, your task is to push your … VIEW
Views: 20,7331996FreewareAction
DIGITAL Nightmares
Crash is a simple Snake or TRON cycles clone game. It starts off well, with a nice title screen and menu system, and the … VIEW
Electro Man
Originally published in Poland under the name "Electro Body" and sometimes styled as "Electroman" (no space), this is … VIEW
Abmis the Lion
Views: 20,7091996SharewareSidescrolling
Button Software
Abmis the Lion is a rather strange sidescrolling/jumping game that stars ... um, a lion. Named Abmis. Who woulda thunk … VIEW
Crazy Drake
Crazy Drake is a duck / superhero who clearly is aspiring to be Earthworm Jim. The SNES / Genesis game starring an … VIEW
Views: 20,6501985FreewareAction
Derek Williams
Striker is an arcade-style helicopter shooting game, with CGA graphics and five missions to complete. It's somewhat … VIEW
Death Taxi 3000
Views: 20,6312020Shareware (Full version available)Action
Thiago Marques
Inspired by classics like Quarantine and Crazy Taxi, Death Race 3000 is an amazing NEW game made for DOS which keeps the … VIEW