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3D Pulsoid

Views: 11,0731998Full versionBall & Paddle Fifth Dimension Company
3D Pulsoid is not actually a 3D game, despite the name. It uses essentially the same assets and engine as Pulsoid but … VIEW


A fast moving Arkanoid clone. It features VGA graphics (it's quite colorful) and PC speaker sound effects (don't worry, … VIEW


Views: 3,5551989SharewareBall & Paddle Scott DeMers
ARK... is not a great Arkanoid clone, but it was made in 1989 so we'll cut the author some slack because it does have … VIEW


Views: 9,6572001FreewareBall & Paddle Richard Eric M. Lope
Arqanoid is a self-proclaimed "Arkanoid(tm) clone" which provides basic ball-and-paddle bouncing action. Move your … VIEW


Views: 16,6961989FreewareBall & Paddle Banana Development Inc
A fairly basic Arkanoid clone. One difference is that the playing field is bigger than one screen, so the screen scrolls … VIEW


Views: 6,9701995FreewareBall & Paddle Masayoshi Ueda
Bap (named as such because it's a Ball And Paddle game) is a basic breakout clone. You move your paddle (with keyboard … VIEW

Bat 'n Ball

Views: 13,0831994SharewareBall & Paddle Button Soft
This is a clone of the Atari arcade / console game Warlords. It's like Breakout, with a big twist: Here you must guard … VIEW

Bipbop 2

Views: 12,7761993SharewareBall & Paddle S&M Software
BipBop 2 is a ball & paddle game. It's a bit different though, kind of hard to describe. The paddle is quick thick, and … VIEW

Bipbop III

Views: 14,0631993FreewareBall & Paddle S&M Software
Bipbop III is the final game in the Bipbop trilogy. It was lost to the world until Ross Scott from Ross' Game Dungeon … VIEW


Views: 6,7221997FreewareBall & Paddle K-D LabStudio Sivers
Biprolex+ is a strange mix of Arkanoid and Tetris, smashing the two games together into a competitive game for two … VIEW

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