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Views: 16,0341995SharewarePuzzle William David Rinehart
G-Quest is a puzzle game where the object is to collect all of the gems, and push all of the "packages" into the … VIEW

Revenge of Froggie

Views: 16,0331990Full versionClassic PLBM Games
Obviously a version of the classic Frogger game ... this one is pretty good. As in the original, try to hop your frog to … VIEW

Brudal Baddle

Views: 16,0311994SharewareAction Sandbird Software
Mortal Kombat was a tremendously popular game, and spawned numerous copycat games. Brudal Battle (full title "Brudal … VIEW


Views: 16,0101992SharewareClassic Keith Fordham
TRON is an unofficial unlicensed version of the classic TRON light-cycles game. The object is to pilot your line around … VIEW

Grand Prix

Grand Prix is a text-based grand prix racing simulation game where you manage a racing team, trying to make wise … VIEW

The Crusher

Views: 15,9651991SharewarePuzzle Soleau Software
Crusher is the prequel to the later and improved sequel Crusher's Castle 2. (Not sure why the name change occurred.) … VIEW


Views: 15,9571995SharewarePuzzle Digital Workshop Limited
Trugg is a Boulderdash clone, but it's a decent one. As in Boulderdash (and it's numerous copycats) the object is to … VIEW


Views: 15,9511992SharewareSidescrolling Steve Blanding
AKA "The Pack Rat", this is a rather basic jumping game. Here you play the role of a rat who must run and jump through … VIEW

Cosmo Chicken

Views: 15,9411995FreewareClassic Steven H Don
Remember that "Astro Chicken" mini game in Sierra's Space Quest 3? Cosmo Chicken is a lot like that ... it even uses … VIEW

Charly the Clown

Views: 15,9151996SharewareSidescrolling White Magic
Charly the Clown is a simple platformer game where you play as the titular Charly, a clown who for whatever reason has … VIEW

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