Views: 10,8401992SharewarePuzzle
Herringbone Software
"The Patchwork Puzzle Challenge" is a sliding-puzzle game, much like the small plastic puzzles you may have seen where … VIEW
Views: 10,8211992SharewareAction
Vendetta is a shooting gallery style game where your goal is simple: Shoot all of the gangsters (?) that pop up into the … VIEW
Views: 10,7831993SharewarePuzzle
Jean-Guy Lavallee
MX7 is a action / puzzle game where you must collect items, avoid obstacles, and push stuff around to get to the exit. … VIEW
Views: 10,7771996SharewareTetris Style
William David Rinehart
Connectris is an interesting mash-up of Tetris and Pipe Mania. Square pipe blocks fall from the top of the screen, and … VIEW
Crystal Jane
Views: 10,7562004FreewareSidescrolling
Upr00ted Tree Software
This platforming game is as basic as it gets. It seems like a "first game" sort of project that, while incredibly … VIEW
Underwater Treasure Hunt
Views: 10,7461986SharewareAction
Errol Williams
Also referred to as simply "SHARK" (as it's called in the included readme file) or "SHARKS" (after the executable file … VIEW
Excelsior Phase One: Lysandia
Views: 10,7241993Shareware (Full version available)Role Playing (RPG)
11th Dimension Entertainment
Excelsior is an innovative and in-depth RPG. It uses text-mode graphics with a custom character set, 2x1 tiles (your … VIEW
The Lost Clown
Views: 10,7201993SharewareSidescrolling
Stephen Walther
The Lost Clown is what you might call a "strategic platformer." While it looks and generally plays like a typical action … VIEW
Subway Sleuth
Views: 10,7201991SharewareEducational / Kids
Herringbone Software
Subway Sleuth plays sort of like a very simple Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego game. You are a "subway sleuth", … VIEW
Get 5!
Views: 10,7151998FreewareTraditional (Board Games)
Klaus Tadsen
A "get 5 marbles in a row" game, aka Gomoku. In this game you play against the computer (it's tough!). The graphics are … VIEW