Views: 10,2501990FreewarePuzzle
Rinzai Satori
An EGA variant of the Oilswell/Pipe Dream type puzzle game. The goal is to connect as many pipes together as you can. … VIEW
Alpha Man
Views: 10,2471992SharewarePuzzle
Soleau Software
Alpha Man is a word-based puzzle game, although any symbols could have been used instead of words & letters. The object … VIEW
Manic Miner
Views: 10,2421997FreewareSidescrolling
Andy Noble
Manic Miner is a remake of the ZX Spectrum game Manic Miner originally by Bug-Byte Software. This remake features the … VIEW
Magic Maycabs
Views: 10,2361994SharewareSidescrolling
Dan Lester
Magic Maycabs is based on a BBC Micro game called "Magic Mushrooms", except here you drive a car. Sure, why not? The … VIEW
Moraff's Monster Bridge
Views: 10,2331992SharewareTraditional (Board Games)
Moraff's Monster Bridge is a trump-based card game ("a distant relative of Bridge") set in the same world as Moraff's … VIEW
Views: 10,2301992SharewarePuzzle
Doug Beeferman
An interesting puzzle game with many different levels, despite the lack of great graphics and sound effects. The object … VIEW
Up the Wall
Views: 10,2011990SharewarePuzzle
Soleau Software
Up the Wall is a variant on the Pipedream / Pipemania / Oil's Well type game where you must connect different pieces to … VIEW
Zipman 3
Views: 10,1871994SharewareSidescrolling
Zipman 3 (no idea if episodes 1-2 ever were released) has the germ of a good game (decent sprite-based graphics and … VIEW
The Land of the Wonce
Views: 10,1861994SharewareRole Playing (RPG)
Brian Porter
Land of the Wonce is an obscure low-res CRPG which seems heavily inspired by the Ultima series of games. You awaken … VIEW