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Dungeon Quest

Views: 10,3121990SharewareRole Playing (RPG) Stanley Design Team
Dungeon Quest is a turn-based first-person perspective dungeon crawl game, developed over a period of six months. This … VIEW


Views: 10,3121987FreewareAdventure Orphie Neathery
According to the official website: "NIOSA (pronounced 'knee-oh-sa') is a four-night event that celebrates San Antonio's … VIEW

Skull Quest 1: The Cyan Sarcophagus

Views: 10,3111993SharewareSidescrolling Necrobones
Skull Quest 1: The Cyan Sarcophagus is a somewhat strange (and difficult, and unforgiving) sidescrolling adventure game. … VIEW


Views: 10,3061999FreewareSpace Shooting Kris Asick
It looks quite complicated at first, but this game is basically about shooting stuff. You select your ship, different … VIEW

Vampiric Tower

Views: 10,2872000FreewarePuzzle Mike Behrens
Vampiric Tower is a quirky puzzle game that includes 50 puzzles of quickly increasing difficulty. While most of the … VIEW

Rob Blanc 2: Planet of the Pasteurised Pestilence

Views: 10,2842000FreewareAdventure Fully Ramblomatic
This game is the second in the Rob Blanc series of graphical adventure games created by Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw using the … VIEW


Views: 10,2841996SharewareTetris Style Colin Gagnon
Schmootris is a weird Dr.Mario-style Tetris type of game. The object is to match the colors of the falling 2-part … VIEW

Velcro Mind

Views: 10,2771995FreewareAction Jazz Software
Wow! This is new; it's really an original idea. You have to use your ship to grab colored balls that are floating around … VIEW
Tags: action  unique  balls


Views: 10,2711992FreewareClassic Dario Robak
Rallyx is a clone of the classic Namco arcade game Rally-X. In the game you drive your car around collecting flags and … VIEW


ZigSaw is a jigsaw puzzle type game that uses square blocks on a grid rather than the typically-shaped pieces used in … VIEW

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