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Spiffy Spaceguy

Views: 9,1121997FreewareSpace Shooting Tom Darby & Chuck Lantz
A simplistic, yet very playable shooting game. You fly your ship (your 'spiffy' spaceship?) through space shooting at … VIEW

Hoosier City

Views: 9,1071992Full versionAdventure WetwareMVP Software
Hoosier City is a Zelda-inspired action/adventure/puzzle game with decent EGA graphics, bad controls, and generally … VIEW

Skunny: In the Wild West

Views: 9,0651994SharewareSidescrolling Copysoft
The Skunny platformer games are widely known (others include Back to the Forest and Save our Pizzas) but not especially … VIEW


Views: 9,0421998FreewareBall & Paddle Fifth Dimension Company
Pulsoid is an Arkanoid-like game with high-res graphics and decent production values. It's unfortunately not that much … VIEW


Views: 9,0391997FreewarePuzzle M. Brent
Yiff! is a one or two player puzzle board-game type game where the object is to fill the board with foxes of your own … VIEW

Kung Fu Louie vs the Martial Art Posse

Views: 9,0291989SharewareAction R. Salgado
Kung Fu Louie (no relation to "Hong Kong Phooey") is a game that looks decent, has AdLib music, and seems like it has … VIEW


Views: 9,0211987FreewareTraditional (Board Games) Ray Jensen
Hexplode is a strategy board game, according to the author based on an original concept by Janet Ansell. The game works … VIEW


Tronic is a decent Arkanoid clone that is only marred by slightly stiff controls. The game plays like many other … VIEW

Scud Atak

Views: 8,9431991SharewareClassic David Lee Peterson
Scud Atak (or "Scud Attack", how it's spelled in the included docs) is a Missile Command style game that was released in … VIEW

Caddiehack Golf

Views: 8,9291994DemoSports MICODE Developments
Caddiehack (the demo version is simply called "Golf" for some reason) is a decent implementation of golf. The demo … VIEW

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