Jazz Jackrabbit
Views: 48,8421992Shareware (Full version available)Sidescrolling
Epic Megagames
A pretty cool platform game that tries to borrow from Sonic the Hedgehog, with mixed results. It actually plays a bit … VIEW
Tomb Raider
The game that made Lara Croft a virtual star, and launched the entire series of Tomb Raider games. The game may seem … VIEW
This demo version of the formerly popular car racing / gore game give you a taste of what the full game had to offer; … VIEW
Views: 48,5831995FreewareAction
Crack dot Com
Abuse is a great side-scrolling action game that uses a unique system to control your character. You use the keyboard to … VIEW
The Adventures of Maddog Williams in the Dungeons of Duridian
Views: 48,0371996Full versionAdventure
Game Crafters
Reminiscent of earlier Sierra (On-Line) games, Maddog Williams employs the same style interface as the original Kings … VIEW
Mortal Kombat 2
In terms of ports, DOS often received pretty terrible ones in the early days. (See for example Mega Man or Double Dragon … VIEW
Views: 46,9241986FreewareRole Playing (RPG)
Micheal Toy, Glenn Wichman, & Kenneth Arnold
The original "Roguelike"! It may have primitive graphics (ASCII), and no sound, but it's still quite enjoyable. People … VIEW
Battle Arena Toshinden
Battle Arena Toshinden is a well-known Playstation 1 3D fighting game. It was one of the first games I bought for my … VIEW
Balloon Challenge
Views: 46,3261993SharewarePuzzle
Soleau Software
Balloon Challenge is a puzzle game with much in common with several of Soleau Software's other similar EGA/VGA puzzle … VIEW
Indiana Jones and the Fate Of Atlantis
This demo version of the interactive Indiana Jones adventure game gives you an idea what to expect in the full game (if … VIEW