Enchantasy: Quest For The Eternal Grimoire
Views: 12,7201992SharewareRole Playing (RPG)
EGA Computing
Enchantasy seems to be a decent CRPG fantasy game, with the caveat that the author(s) REALLY want you to register this … VIEW
Evolve! Lite
Views: 9,2291993SharewareSimulation / Strategy
Evolve! Lite (the "Lite" indicating the shareware version) is a life simulation game / simulator where two different … VIEW
Eye of Horus
Views: 3,0871992SharewareAction
John Shramko
Eye of Horus is a simple action / shooting game with a space theme. Simpler even than Space Invaders, a single enemy … VIEW
Views: 7,0851995SharewarePuzzle
Soleau Software
FaceTrex is a block-sliding puzzle game which plays quite similarly to Soleau's earlier game Alpha Man. Again here you … VIEW
Fairy Godmom
Views: 27,3031992SharewarePuzzle
Soggybread Software
This is definitely a unique puzzle game. In it you play a fairy godmother ("Woah, couldn't have figured that out on my … VIEW
Views: 7671989DemoSpace Shooting
Mettus Graphics
FANS (I'm not even sure of the "official" name, that's just the name of the executable file) is a demo of a graphics … VIEW
FBI Fred
Views: 3,8151992SharewareSidescrolling
Richard Spezzano
FBI Fred is a strange EGA platforming game starring "FBI Fred" who looks a little like the OG Duke Nukem and spends his … VIEW
Views: 2,5401992SharewareSimulation / Strategy
Cascoly Software
Fence is a strategy game where the goal is to keep your sheep fenced in a pen. You can build walls and other obstacles … VIEW
Firestorm 2000
Views: 3,1931995SharewareSimulation / Strategy
Cricket Software
Firestorm 2000 (sometimes just Firestorm, or Firestorm: The Wildland Fire Simulation) is a forest fire simulation game. … VIEW
Views: 4,1301992SharewarePuzzle
James A. Sausville
Flagger is a version of the classic Minesweeper game, famous for being freely available in Windows. Here there is a … VIEW