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Bolo Box

Views: 7,9381993SharewarePuzzle Soleau Software
Bolo Box is a simple puzzle game, where the object is to flip all of the tiles to their grey sides. You do this by … VIEW
Tags: puzzle  tiles  flipping  ega


Views: 2,2271985FreewareAction Dmitry Pavlovsky
No relation to the similarly named Klax, this game is formerly-lost part of gaming history. Alexey Pajitnov is well … VIEW


Views: 14,8971993SharewarePuzzle SwordSoft
POD is a simple puzzle game where the object is to traverse over all of the tiles on the board without falling off. (No … VIEW
Tags: puzzle  space  tiles  ega

Raku Master

Views: 6,3421993SharewarePuzzle Soleau Software
Raku Master is a tile-flipping puzzle game from Soleau Software where the object is to flip all of the red tiles to … VIEW
Tags: puzzle  tiles  flipping  ega


Views: 9,8821994SharewarePuzzle ElkwareHomebrew Software
Shards is a puzzle game that involves matching sets of tiles with symbols on them. You'll need to move your ball around … VIEW


Views: 7,1021996FreewarePuzzle DIGITAL Nightmares
Swapper is a simple puzzle game where you attempt to match up colored tiles. You "swap" a tile with a tile beside it, … VIEW

Teaching Tiles

Views: 5,6961997SharewareEducational / Kids Philip P. Kapusta
Teaching Tiles is a pretty average "contentration" type tile matching game for kids. (Or adults who want to exercise … VIEW

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