Pharaoh's Tomb
It's a classic! Apogee Software (who went on to publish Commander Keen, Duke Nukem, and many other famous games) … VIEW
Pickle Wars
Pickle Wars is a sidescrolling shooting, jumping, and item collection game. The gameplay itself is fairly basic, the … VIEW
Views: 11,0652004FreewarePuzzle
hitchhikr SoftWorks
Pitman is an example of a simple game that works well. It's a remake of a game with a bit of a complicated history (see … VIEW
Platform Heels
Views: 9,4741991SharewareSidescrolling
Ian Warmby
This text-mode platforming game has you controlling "Heels" (a robot apparently) which needs to navigate its way through … VIEW
Plumber No More
Views: 11,0822018FreewareSidescrolling
Jani Nykänen
This modern (2018) DOS game was conceived by its author as "a short, meaningless platformer programmed for MS-DOS", the … VIEW
Prehistorik 2
Views: 25,5051993DemoSidescrolling
Titus Interactive
Prehistorik 2 is a platforming game with simple controls and gameplay, but a lot of polish. You are a caveman and need … VIEW
Prigodi Pionerki Kseni
Views: 14,0971991FreewareSidescrolling
Yuri Lesiuk
You've no doubt played the original Captain Comic. It's a classic game and early example of how DOS could handle … VIEW
Prince of Persia
Views: 91,1581990DemoSidescrolling
Brøderbund Software
Prince of Persia is a classic platforming game developed by Jordan Mechner. It premiered Jordan's use of the … VIEW
Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow and the Flame
Views: 43,4781993DemoSidescrolling
Brøderbund Software
This is the demo (ie. limited trial) version of the sequel to the classic "Prince of Persia" game. It involves more of … VIEW
Pulsar Flux
Views: 4,1841998SharewareSidescrolling
Cheegrah Interactive
Pulsar Flux is a production-heavy platform shooting / adventure game, with impressive graphics and sound effects but … VIEW