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Brandon's Big Lunchbox

Views: 1,9541989SharewareEducational / Kids Joey Robichaux
Brandon's Big Lunchbox (or sometimes Brandon's BigBox) is a collection of twenty-six educational games for 3-7 year olds … VIEW


Views: 11,8921984FreewareBall & Paddle Vince Bly
Bricks is a simple Breakout clone which uses the tweaked CGA mode (really text mode) which allowed the game to show more … VIEW

Bridge Hopper

Views: 3,2651990FreewareAction I. Harness
Bridge Hopper is a simple timing & reflexes game, similar to the old Game & Watch series of games by Nintendo. A … VIEW


Build-A-Fish is an interesting educational kids toy produced by the Virginia Marine Science Museum, which still exists … VIEW


Views: 7,0211989SharewareAction Soleau Software
Bumpmaze is a unique and not very fun game where the object is to "bump" the ball until it bounces into a hole. It's one … VIEW
Tags: action  ball  maze  cga

The Catacombs of Nemon

Views: 14,4921983FreewareAction Ron Dubren Associates
The Catacombs of Nemon is not an RPG/adventure game, as you might assume from its name. In fact in this game you play as … VIEW


Views: 15,2291985SharewareRole Playing (RPG) Lightwave Consultants
Cavequest is a basic RPG game that features an evolved character creation process. Considering that the game was created … VIEW
Tags: rpg  cga  turnbased  maze

Cavern of the Evil Wizard

Views: 32,7122020FreewareAdventure demino2
If you've ever seen the Tom Hanks movie Big (1988) you'll probably remember a PC graphical adventure game that is shown … VIEW

Chess & Checkers

Views: 1,7761988SharewareTraditional (Board Games) Keith Schuler
Chess & Checkers offers computerized versions of these two popular board games. No longer will you need to find the old … VIEW

Chopper Commando

Views: 3,9611996FreewareAction Mark Currie
Chopper Commando is a CGA mission-based strategic action helicopter simulation. Wow that was a real word-salad … VIEW

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