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Ant Attack

Views: 17,4651994SharewareAction Dataware (Texas)
Ant Attack is a action game which includes a little strategy but mainly it's a race to kill the (giant? mutant?) ants … VIEW
Tags: action  strategy  ants  bugs

Ant Hill 1 & 2

Views: 1,7771991Full versionAction Chris Busch
Ant Hill is an action / adventure game where you must explore the home of giant, murderous ants and other insect … VIEW

Ant Run

Views: 27,7791996SharewarePuzzle Soleau Software
Antrun is a great puzzle game. It's an adaption of the popular pipe-laying genre ... in this case, the task is to keep … VIEW
Tags: puzzle  ants  bugs  pipedream  ega


Views: 3,9771997FreewareSidescrolling Chris Jones
Antman is a simple single-screen platforming game where the object is to kill all of the ants on the level and escape … VIEW


Views: 16,9162002FreewarePuzzle Michael Hughes Software
In this puzzle game, the object is to clear a safe path to lead four "princesses" (other ants) to safety. The gameplay … VIEW
Tags: puzzle  ants  bugs  sourcecode  ega

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