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Mine Bombers

Views: 17,8611996Full versionAction Skitso Productions
Mine Bombers is a takeoff of the popular "Bomberman" type game, where the object is to run around a playing field … VIEW


Views: 18,6592001FreewareAction James Bunting
The oddly named Meteor is a really great action/adventure game. As a soldier, you must complete various missions. There … VIEW

Megatron VGA

Views: 13,8631991SharewareAction Stanley Design Team
This was, at the time, one of the few modem-to-modem multiplayer games available. It's basically a simple maze game … VIEW
Tags: action  3d  mechs  modem

Maze Runner

Views: 15,6541988FreewareAction Apogee Software
Maze Runner is an action maze game (duh) where the object is to navigate your way to the exit. The trick is that you … VIEW

Matter Blaster 2

Views: 12,5142000FreewareAction BenWare
Looking for a really crazy shooting/action game that doesn't make a lot of sense, but involves a lot of acton? Matter … VIEW

Marshmallow Duel

Views: 20,4681996Full versionAction Duncan Gill
Two-player combat action! However, it isn't combat in the usual 3D shooter sense. Here, your task is to push your … VIEW

Llamatron 2112

Views: 22,6921992Full versionAction Llamasoft
A weird shooting game (a take-off of the old "Robotron" games) where you control and llama and you run around firing … VIEW


Views: 19,3441998FreewareAction Anssi Lipponen
In this game, you play a worm that's loaded up with some hefty ammunition! In this game which has obviously been heavily … VIEW
Tags: action  shooter  worms


Views: 14,9901990Full versionAction BlueMoon Interactive
Kosmonaut is in some ways the prototype of a more advanced game, Skyroads. The title screen even seems to say "Skyroads" … VIEW


Views: 15,3581998FreewareAction Brainchild Design
Want a sick, twisted multi-player game where the object is to crush widdle bunnies? Well, this game's for you, then. In … VIEW

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