Category description: Adventure games involve solving puzzles in order to reach a goal and/or progress the storyline. Some of the earliest computer games available (such as Colossal Cave) are text-based adventure games. This category also includes graphical adventure games of the sort popularized by Sierra and Lucasarts.
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General Budda's Labyrinth

Views: 2,0281993Full versionAdventure RederWare
General Budda's Labyrinth is a maze game where you drive a tank around that oddly doesn't shoot anything during the … VIEW


This demo version of the full game provides a brief glimpse into the humorous and entertaining adventure game Gobliiins, … VIEW

Gobliins 2: The Prince Buffoon

Views: 14,7801992DemoAdventure Coktel Vision
Gobliins 2 is the sequel to the original Gobliiins adventure game. Like the first game, you control multiple goblins, … VIEW

God Of Thunder

Views: 23,6591994Full versionAdventure Adept SoftwareSoftware Creations
God of Thunder is an unusual Zelda-ish adventure game that includes a lot of action elements as well. As the "God of … VIEW

Hank's Quest: Victim of Society

Views: 14,7832002FreewareAdventure Femo Duo Entertainment
Hank's Quest: Victim of Society is described by the authors as being "A whole new adventure-game in that 'Classic Sierra … VIEW

Haunted House, The

Views: 15,9851988SharewareAdventure Computer Match
Haunted House is an obscure text-mode game with an interesting premise. The object is to rescue Amber from a haunted … VIEW

Heavy Water Jogger

Views: 10,8061992SharewareAdventure Viable Software Alternatives
This game is odd. The premise is that you have a limited amount of time (30 minutes) to reach the control room of the … VIEW

High Sea Homicide

Views: 12,2921993SharewareAdventure Sherwood Forest Software
High Sea Homicide is a graphical adventure game which begins on a boat, where you are awakened by the sound of gunshots. … VIEW

Hoosier City

Views: 8,9001992Full versionAdventure WetwareMVP Software
Hoosier City is a Zelda-inspired action/adventure/puzzle game with decent EGA graphics, bad controls, and generally … VIEW

House, The

Views: 8,9781993SharewareAdventure DiGiTAL REALiTY
The House is a simple "virtual reality" game (with no VR headset support) that allows you to walk around a 3D-ish … VIEW

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