Dark Convergence screenshot
Dark Convergence gameplay screenshot
User Rating:

Based on 4 user ratings
Page views: 17,087
Shareware ($10)
Single player
For Kids:
No. Violence and/or sexual content
320 × 200
darkcon.zip - 235k - Run DARKC.EXE to play
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Dark Convergence screenshot
Dark Convergence gameplay screenshot
DOSGames.com Review:  Rating: 3
The Dark Convergence is an adventure game which follows the mold of other text-based graphical adventure games, and seems to be heavily influenced by Hugo's House of Horrors. This game is darker than Hugo, and includes some graphically violent scenes. The story involves crashing your car while traveling with your friends, and venturing out to find help, only to discover a very strange house. The author creates a decent atmosphere, however the text parser sometimes requires rather exact phrasing, and some of the puzzles aren't very intuitive. (Check the video walkthrough if you get stuck.)
THE DARK CONVERGENCE is a text/graphic game,
the object is to save your friends but as you
will soon find out, saving yourself will be
your primary objective. By typing commands
and moving your character you will achieve
your goals. Otherwise, suffer a bloody and
horrible death.  Fun for the whole family!

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Dark Convergence, The, #139. Added to website: 2017-11-25. All copyrights, trademarks, etc, are property of their respective holders.
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