Ten Nights of Killing and Mayhem at FJB screenshot
Ten Nights of Killing and Mayhem at FJB gameplay screenshot
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Page views: 6,584
Single player
For Kids:
No. Violence and/or sexual content
320 × 200
Ten Nights of Killing and Mayhem at FJB screenshot
Ten Nights of Killing and Mayhem at FJB gameplay screenshot
tennights.zip - 1,301k - Run GOTNO.BAT to play
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Web version (https://poordog.dev/games/tno/, 0k) - Try this new web version by one of the original authors of the game Jeff Schiller.

DOSGames.com Review:  Rating: 3.5
This game is a turn-based strategy/RPG game where you control a potentially large party of characters (students) in a school. The game's developer sums up the plot thusly: "In order to stop the demonic Principal of a local highschool from effecting her plans for world domination, players must control up to seven students who enter the school and take on the evil teachers." You choose how each of your students moves and interacts with the environments. I don't enjoy this kind of game, and since there is no included documentation (at least not with the copy I found) it's not immediately evident how everything works. But based on the positive reviews on Mobygames, it may be worth checking out if you enjoy this kind of game and/or are intrigued by the unusual theme. It has decent graphics and some MIDI music and VOC sound samples. See also this web-based version created by one of the original developers, Jeff Schiller.

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Ten Nights of Killing and Mayhem at F.J.B, #1325. Added to website: 2020-11-23. All copyrights, trademarks, etc, are property of their respective holders.
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