SWAR screenshot
SWAR gameplay screenshot
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SWAR screenshot
SWAR gameplay screenshot
swar.zip - 160k - Run SWAR.EXE to play
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DOSGames.com Review:  Rating: 3.5
SWAR is a two-player space combat game, based on the ancient early video game Spacewar. You are placed in a bordered-space environment and must blast the other player and/or help them run into the sun in the center, which has a gravity-like effect. Pressing F1 will show in-game help and F2 will allow you to adjust multiple options which could make the game more fun or add some variety, including choosing different ships with slightly different properties. Overall it's a pretty simple game but if you have two players sharing a keyboard it could be fun! (This is the full version downloaded from the official old PLBM website.)
Title:  SWAR (space combat)
Version:  #1135
Desc:  SWAR arcade game
Needs:  IBM PC, VGA, Two Players
Optional:  Joystick, SoundBlaster
Registration:  $14.95 + $4.95 S&H
Author:  PLBM Games
Email:  [email protected]
Special: any 3 for $29.95 + $4.95 S&H
See ORDER.TXT file for complete list

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CTRL-F12 attempts to speed up game, CTRL-F11 attempts to slow it down.

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SWAR!, #2008. Added to website: 2023-12-08. All copyrights, trademarks, etc, are property of their respective holders.
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