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For Kids:
320 × 200

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DOSGames.com Review: Rating: 2.5
Super Chase is an updated remake of the ZX Spectrum game Run Baby Run. The object is to try to cause the other cars to crash. For each crash, you earn money to buy powerups to help cause more crashes (oil, nails, bombs, etc). The map is laid out like a city with roads, and you travel around Pac-Man-like (although with no dots) and try to subtly (or not so subtly, when using items) manipulate the other cars. Nothing too shocking here but it works well enough, and improves upon the graphics and features of the original ZX Spectrum version.
Super Chase is an updated remake of the ZX Spectrum game Run Baby Run. The object is to try to cause the other cars to crash. For each crash, you earn money to buy powerups to help cause more crashes (oil, nails, bombs, etc). The map is laid out like a city with roads, and you travel around Pac-Man-like (although with no dots) and try to subtly (or not so subtly, when using items) manipulate the other cars. Nothing too shocking here but it works well enough, and improves upon the graphics and features of the original ZX Spectrum version.
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Super Chase, #1456. Added to website: 2021-03-29. All copyrights, trademarks, etc, are property of their respective holders.