Siberian Chess screenshot
Siberian Chess gameplay screenshot
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Siberian Chess screenshot
Siberian Chess gameplay screenshot
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Play online in browser Review:  Rating: 4.5
Siberian Chess is a very competently made chess program developed in Siberia, hence the name. It presents quite a variety of options and settings, and provides a tough computer opponent to play against. (And also an "Easy mode" if you need it, which I definitely do.) You can enter your moves via the keyboard, mouse, or entering the move directly (ex, b2b3). The game displays all of the moves, allows taking a move back if needed, you can save and load your game, and even edit the board however you'd like. Looks decent as well. Seems like a great option for chess enthusiasts. (I basically only know how the pieces move so take my opinion with a grain of salt, but I heard on Twitter via @DOSBros_Vamonos that this is a good chess implementation!)
Siberian Chess 2.01 - An excellent DOS
program from Novosibirsk in Siberia. Good
3D-look VGA graphics, lots of features
(including position setup and mouse support)
and a powerful program. All in one file!
By Yevgeny Nalimov 

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Siberian Chess, #1840. Added to website: 2023-07-09. All copyrights, trademarks, etc, are property of their respective holders.
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