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Shareware ($29.95)
Single player
For Kids:
320 × 200

1sea13.zip - 1,062k - Run SEA.EXE to play
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Sea School is an edutainment game targeted at very young children. While the full registered version (which is unfortunately not one of the freely released games available on MVP Software's website) provides game sections on math, the alphabet, and reading, the shareware offers only math games. The games themselves are pretty basic, although they look decent enough and have animations, sound effects, and upbeat music to try to hold kids' attentions. The sea horse game for example has the kid/user click the five numbered sea horses in ascending order starting at 1. If you're looking to teach your very young child their numbers, or remember playing this game as a kid, it might be worth looking at. Otherwise, it's probably a pass. (Or a fail I guess to use school terminology ...)
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Sea School, #679. Added to website: 2018-08-25. All copyrights, trademarks, etc, are property of their respective holders.