Ravage screenshot
Ravage gameplay screenshot
User Rating:

Based on 6 user ratings
Page views: 18,705
Up to 2 players, Simultaneous keyboard and mouse cooperative
For Kids:
320 × 240
DOSBOX_RAVAGE.ZIP - 1,298k - Run RAVAGE.EXE to play
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Original archive (ravage11.zip, 1,329k) - The main download file above (DOSBOX_RAVAGE.ZIP) is pre-configured to work DOSBox. This file, ravage11.zip, is the original and may require installation / setup.

Ravage screenshot
Ravage gameplay screenshot
DOSGames.com Review:  Rating: 3.5
Ravage is a game that is seemingly heavily influenced by Raptor and Tyrian which appeared in 1994 and 1995, respectively. It's a vertical shooter with great graphics including parallax scrolling, pumping techno soundtrack, and decent sound effects. Your goal, as usual for shoot-em-ups, is to shoot everything and avoid getting shot! If you run out of lives, you'll need to start the level over again from the beginning. While no powerups appear during gameplay, you earn credits which can be used to purchase upgrades after each level, including more extra lives. Only two levels are available to play in the shareware version. One great feature is that it allows simultaneous two-player mode, with player one using the keyboard and the other using the mouse. (You can change control options within game to use mouse when playing a single-player game.) It's safe to say that if you enjoy games like Raptor and Tyrian, you'll probably enjoy Ravage as well!

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CTRL-F12 attempts to speed up game, CTRL-F11 attempts to slow it down.

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Ravage, #746. Added to website: 2018-11-03. All copyrights, trademarks, etc, are property of their respective holders.
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