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Shareware ($6)
Single player
For Kids:
640 × 400

plunder.zip - 42k - Run PLUND.EXE to play
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DOSGames.com Review: Rating: 2
Plunder is a strange exploration game which uses textmode. You play an archaeologist, and the object is to search for buried treasure within a field. You have a map which shows a diagram of the structure you're looking for, and you need to dig to find the structure, and then where the 'X' is indicated to find your treasure. Of course the building has deteriorated somewhat so it won't match the map exactly. It seems like mostly luck how successful you will be, although there is some skill involved in systematically exploring and identifying the structures around the treasure.
Plunder is a strange exploration game which uses textmode. You play an archaeologist, and the object is to search for buried treasure within a field. You have a map which shows a diagram of the structure you're looking for, and you need to dig to find the structure, and then where the 'X' is indicated to find your treasure. Of course the building has deteriorated somewhat so it won't match the map exactly. It seems like mostly luck how successful you will be, although there is some skill involved in systematically exploring and identifying the structures around the treasure.
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Plunder, #931. Added to website: 2019-07-12. All copyrights, trademarks, etc, are property of their respective holders.