Mice Maze screenshot
Mice Maze gameplay screenshot
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Shareware ($12)
Single player
For Kids:
640 × 350
micemz12.zip - 198k - Run MICEMAZE.EXE to play
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Mice Maze screenshot
Mice Maze gameplay screenshot
DOSGames.com Review:  Rating: 3.5
Mice Maze is plays very similarly to the Crusher and Crusher's Castle 2 games, also by Soleau Software. So if you've played those, you know what to expect here, except this time it's about mice and cheese, and cats on the prowl trying to kill you. If you haven't played the Crusher games, Mice Maze is a randomly generated puzzle / action game where you must discover the location of your lost mouse friend. The good part about randomly generated rooms is that the game is different each time you play. The bad is that the design will be, well, random, so some rooms will be very easy and others will be nearly impossible. Still it's decently fun to play and continues the mice theme that other Soleau games share. (Mice Moves and Mice Men.)
Mice Maze is an adventure, arcade, puzzle
strategy game all in one!  Your mission is
to guide your animated little blue mouse 
around a maze of 36 rooms looking for your 
friend the red mouse.  Look for keys, maps,
secret passageways and much more as you try
to locate your friend. Beware of the cats
that are always on the prowl!  Many surprises
await you!  Are you up to the challenge?

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Mice Maze, #1362. Added to website: 2020-12-24. All copyrights, trademarks, etc, are property of their respective holders.
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