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Page views: 11,757
Shareware ("Up to you")
Single player
For Kids:
640 × 400
DOSBox Cycles:
8000 (Approximate)

max-man.zip - 49k - Run MAXMAN.EXE to play
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DOSGames.com Review: Rating: 2.5
MaxMan is "slightly similar to PAC-MAN" says the included documentation, which is pretty accurate, since it's not really a clone of the popular maze game. It does have mazes and "gremlins" (ghosts) and "coins" (dots) and "energy apples" (power pellets) to collect, similar to Pac-Man. However the coins are not laid out in a consistent way, and each you collect gives you a bit of energy back. Collecting the energy apples allows you a brief period of turning the tables on the gremlins. When you die, your ghost lives on as a "grim reaper" which becomes another enemy that you must avoid. Some interesting variations on what has become a standard formula, presented with text-mode ASCII characters.
MaxMan is "slightly similar to PAC-MAN" says the included documentation, which is pretty accurate, since it's not really a clone of the popular maze game. It does have mazes and "gremlins" (ghosts) and "coins" (dots) and "energy apples" (power pellets) to collect, similar to Pac-Man. However the coins are not laid out in a consistent way, and each you collect gives you a bit of energy back. Collecting the energy apples allows you a brief period of turning the tables on the gremlins. When you die, your ghost lives on as a "grim reaper" which becomes another enemy that you must avoid. Some interesting variations on what has become a standard formula, presented with text-mode ASCII characters.
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MaxMan, #818. Added to website: 2019-01-09. All copyrights, trademarks, etc, are property of their respective holders.