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Shareware (£10)
Single player
For Kids:
320 × 200

magicmushroom.zip - 66k - Run GO.EXE to play
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DOSGames.com Review: Rating: 2
Magic Mushroom is a simple but frustratingly difficult game. The object is to hop your mushroom around the screen, collecting gems and avoiding things that try to kill you. It looks decent with 256 color sprites. However the main problem is that it's VERY difficult. You need to collect 5 gems to progress to the next level, but collecting even 2 before dying (in one hit, whenever you touch an enemy or fall off the bottom of the screen) will be tough. There are three different stage layouts / themes you can choose before starting a game.
Magic Mushroom is a simple but frustratingly difficult game. The object is to hop your mushroom around the screen, collecting gems and avoiding things that try to kill you. It looks decent with 256 color sprites. However the main problem is that it's VERY difficult. You need to collect 5 gems to progress to the next level, but collecting even 2 before dying (in one hit, whenever you touch an enemy or fall off the bottom of the screen) will be tough. There are three different stage layouts / themes you can choose before starting a game.
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CTRL-F12 attempts to speed up game, CTRL-F11 attempts to slow it down.
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Magic Mushroom, #1329. Added to website: 2020-11-25. All copyrights, trademarks, etc, are property of their respective holders.