Jason Jupiter, Star Cadet screenshot
Jason Jupiter, Star Cadet gameplay screenshot
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For Kids:
640 × 400
Jason Jupiter, Star Cadet screenshot
Jason Jupiter, Star Cadet gameplay screenshot
jjupiter.zip - 26k - Run JASON.EXE to play
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DOSGames.com Review:  Rating: 2.5
Jason Jupiter, Star Cadet is a platforming game utilizing text-mode (ASCII) characters for its "graphics". That means jumping smileys, which I'm always a fan of. The story is some generic space-sounding stuff, but the gameplay is surprisingly decent given the time it was made. The goal is to collect all of the heart symbols and make it to the exit ("E") while avoiding the obstacles. It's a tough game, which can require planning and precision along with fast reflexes. I'm not sure how many levels there are since I haven't made it too far! (I heard about this game from the Shovelware Diggers YouTube channel which is definitely worth checking out.)

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Jason Jupiter, Star Cadet, #928. Added to website: 2019-07-10. All copyrights, trademarks, etc, are property of their respective holders.
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