Great Space Shit 3 screenshot
Great Space Shit 3 gameplay screenshot
User Rating:

Based on 1 user rating
Page views: 8,896
Shareware ($13)
Up to 2 players, Cooperative shared-keyboard
For Kids:
640 × 350
DOSBox Cycles:
2000 (Approximate)
Great Space Shit 3 screenshot
Great Space Shit 3 gameplay screenshot
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Play online in browser Review:  Rating: 3
The Great Space Shit III is the first ever game added to this website with a swear word in the title. It's not clear why that particular word is in the name, nor whether the first two games exist or not. In any case, this is a gravity-based flying and shooting game. Your objective is to fly from room to room, avoiding crashing into the ground. There are also targets that you can shoot for points. The controls work well enough but the game seems to play a little too fast to be feasible. (I'm not sure how fast it's *supposed* to be, the cycles setting is just a guess.) It includes a two-player shared keyboard multiplayer mode as well as a level editor so those are pretty sweet features. See the included READ.ME file for info on how to play and use the editor.

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CTRL-F12 attempts to speed up game, CTRL-F11 attempts to slow it down.

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The Great Space Shit III, #1127. Added to website: 2020-06-19. All copyrights, trademarks, etc, are property of their respective holders.
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