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Shareware ($10)
Single player
For Kids:
640 × 350

FNPOKER.ZIP - 454k - Run G.EXE to play
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DOSGames.com Review: Rating: 4
Friday Night Poker is one part of the "Gamblers & Money Grubbers" collection / suite of gambling games. The other two, Craps and Knuckles, are available only by registering. The poker game allows you to choose from a colorful cast of characters to play against, and allows you to choose from 5 Card Stud, 7 Card Stud, Hi Chicago, and Hold 'Em type games. The characters communicate in speech bubbles and generally the game is easy enough to play. A decent choice if you're looking to play poker for virtual money against some 90s-era computer AI opponents. (Note: Run G.EXE to start the game; if you run FKPOKER.EXE the game will be in non-interactive demo mode.)
Friday Night Poker is one part of the "Gamblers & Money Grubbers" collection / suite of gambling games. The other two, Craps and Knuckles, are available only by registering. The poker game allows you to choose from a colorful cast of characters to play against, and allows you to choose from 5 Card Stud, 7 Card Stud, Hi Chicago, and Hold 'Em type games. The characters communicate in speech bubbles and generally the game is easy enough to play. A decent choice if you're looking to play poker for virtual money against some 90s-era computer AI opponents. (Note: Run G.EXE to start the game; if you run FKPOKER.EXE the game will be in non-interactive demo mode.)
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Gamblers & Money Grubbers: Friday Night Poker, #1850. Added to website: 2023-07-26. All copyrights, trademarks, etc, are property of their respective holders.