User Rating:
Based on 1 user rating
Page views: 2,333
Shareware ($10)
Single player
For Kids:
640 × 350
DOSBox Cycles:
7800 (Approximate)

BARBAR.ZIP - 37k - Run BARBAR.EXE to play
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DOSGames.com Review: Rating: 2.5
BarBar (or "Bar Bar", the spacing is ambiguous) is a strange game of survival. Kill enemies with your unlimited laser or limited bombs as red walls slowly fill the screen. You can also blast the red walls with your weapons. If you survive until the wall reaches the top of the screen, it begins to reverse and clear out, leaving some unbreakable walls in its place. The game ends when you run out of health, so collect those health powerups that appear sometimes, as well as other powerups and more bombs. The whole thing feels a bit odd, and no instructions are provided so ... that's the best that I can do to describe it, hopefully I am not missing something obvious! Anyways it's an interesting game to try but with no high scores (no score at all is displayed) it'll be difficult to know if you did better than previous attempts.
BarBar (or "Bar Bar", the spacing is ambiguous) is a strange game of survival. Kill enemies with your unlimited laser or limited bombs as red walls slowly fill the screen. You can also blast the red walls with your weapons. If you survive until the wall reaches the top of the screen, it begins to reverse and clear out, leaving some unbreakable walls in its place. The game ends when you run out of health, so collect those health powerups that appear sometimes, as well as other powerups and more bombs. The whole thing feels a bit odd, and no instructions are provided so ... that's the best that I can do to describe it, hopefully I am not missing something obvious! Anyways it's an interesting game to try but with no high scores (no score at all is displayed) it'll be difficult to know if you did better than previous attempts.
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CTRL-F12 attempts to speed up game, CTRL-F11 attempts to slow it down.
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BarBar, #1892. Added to website: 2023-08-31. All copyrights, trademarks, etc, are property of their respective holders.