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For Kids:
320 × 200

3detris.zip - 366k - Run 3D.BAT to play
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DOSGames.com Review: Rating: 2
3Detris is a 3D-ish version of Tetris. The game allows you to shift the viewpoint with the arrow keys and actually manipulate the dropping pieces using the numeric keypad. (So if your keyboard doesn't have a numeric keypad you're out of luck.) You can zoom in and out, and even use different graphical tilesets / skins ... however all of the non-default included sets are rather garish. That's about it, a 3D-ish Tetris game. It also includes utilities related to ".pp" image files, which seems to be a proprietary format developed by the game author? Note that the included docs for the game are in what is presumably Russian.
3Detris is a 3D-ish version of Tetris. The game allows you to shift the viewpoint with the arrow keys and actually manipulate the dropping pieces using the numeric keypad. (So if your keyboard doesn't have a numeric keypad you're out of luck.) You can zoom in and out, and even use different graphical tilesets / skins ... however all of the non-default included sets are rather garish. That's about it, a 3D-ish Tetris game. It also includes utilities related to ".pp" image files, which seems to be a proprietary format developed by the game author? Note that the included docs for the game are in what is presumably Russian.
Arrows Move viewport
Numeric keypad:
4 Move block left
6 Move block right
5 Rotate block
2 Drop block
1 Move block immediately to left side
3 Move block immediately to right side
Arrows Move viewport
Numeric keypad:
4 Move block left
6 Move block right
5 Rotate block
2 Drop block
1 Move block immediately to left side
3 Move block immediately to right side
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CTRL-F12 attempts to speed up game, CTRL-F11 attempts to slow it down. See Instructions section above for help playing the game!
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3Detris, #1861. Added to website: 2023-08-06. All copyrights, trademarks, etc, are property of their respective holders.