Yo,its me again. You all know that I'm learning Assembly,right?
Well I'm having a few problems. I need answers to the following
1.Whats a register,I look at examples of source codes and I keep
seeing ax,bx,eax.I mean I do know what all the instructions
do in FASM,its just that I don't know what registers are suppose to
do.I they like data reserves or something?What are they?
2.I looked at the source code of MiniPad when I saw the following
code in its source file:
menu_item______ = 5.
What is that??? A label or something.
3.How do I program in Assembler graphically.
Yo,its tinman,need some help FASM/Flat Assembler.
For the third question,I meant to display your results,Like when you move a register to register,I want to display a pop-up window saying Its been moved.
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