So I'm a spammer eh?
Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 3:57 am
In case you didn't have a look on this thread, I've had some problems with the what's it called....... "CRACK CrackerTracker v4."
First it didn't let me post some harmless links, it gave me a strange Not Acceptable error, and then when I clicked on view all posts by Steve Chris I got the following error:
First it didn't let me post some harmless links, it gave me a strange Not Acceptable error, and then when I clicked on view all posts by Steve Chris I got the following error:
And this is really bothering me since we got ourselves a wave of goddamned spam and I'M the one it's blocking???? :Angry:Dumb Anti-Spam Hack wrote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Board Security System has detected, that you wanted to bring bad
Code to this Forum or you have tried to exploit something here or maybe
another attack like this.
This attempt was blocked and we logged all information about this.
If you see this message after including a new MOD to your Forum or if
you have reached this site over a normal Forum Link, please contact
the Board Administrator to fix this Problem.
CBACK CrackerTracker v4