I have found the WingCommander Privater and Righteous Fire games for free but I am unable to find the Speech pack which I would presume would be free as well. I found one site that had the speech pack in a RAF....er something... format but the link was a broken as.....a broken.....record
See ya
DOS Machine Setup
CPU: Pentium 200 (non mmx)
Memory: 64 megs of RAM (100 nanosecond DIMMS)
Sound: Original (like 1992) Sound Blaster 16 ^I will NEVER Throw this baby away!
Video Card: Diamond Stealth Viper 16 megs
Video Monitor: (1993) Compaq SVGA (They made good monitors back then)
Hard Drive: FAT 16 10 GB Hard Drive
Partition: C:\ 2 GB D:\….I forgot.
Speech pack's everywhere. Just search Google. The question is, how to get it to work. It only comes with 2 files and I put it in the same folder as my game files, but I guess I have to do more. HELP PLEASE!