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A game exchange forum?

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2003 6:01 pm
by johpower
Might I recommend a Games Exchange forum where members could pitcha tent to list and swap games? I suspect there could only be listings allowed as direct email should be used to prevent overloading you and the site with volume (this isn't EBAY, right?). Put it in the Off Topic macro forum. I don't know what restrix or caviats you would stick on it besides size of post and a general buyer beware disclaimer. :cuccoan:

Thanks --Joe

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2003 11:59 pm
by Dogbreath
This topic has been moved as it has more to do with forum suggestions than with Dosgamesarchive. (I'm probably going to create another forum "Forum Suggestions as somethings have nothing to do with either SITE or trouble reports)

As far as this idea it's self: Isn't this already being done in "Find Old Games" to a certain extent? I remember using that forum to trade an old copy of "Dare To Dream 2-3" for a copy of "Solar Winds 2" a while back. I'll consider adding it nonetheless, if only to create a friendlier Marketplace feeling that would inspire people to trade. Expect a result by tomorrow. (It would also give John more work, but what the hell ;) )

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2003 12:43 pm
by Da_Goat
Aye, we have a Marketplace forum over at Game Hippo. It doesn't get much use, though.

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2003 2:35 pm
by John The Ax
None, as far as I've seen.

Remember Meh? He started the "Great Game Trading Topic" on the old board. That got shut down, though. You said it was too risky, you know, email someone a copy of the game, delete your own disks, and they do the same?

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2003 9:42 pm
by Dogbreath
Hmmm, if handled carefully, we could operate our own little E-bay here by uniting users who would like to swap games. Once a match is found, they would tell eachother their e-mail addresses where they would then negotiate a time to send eachother copies the full versions of the games they wish to trade via snail mail. This could greatly boost our membership while we would technically be doing no illegal buying or selling, instead, we would simply be a media to help establish this trade-off.

Or, should it be done poorly, we could get another "Great Game Trading Topic" which was essentially a Warez Hub operating in the disguise of a post.

Either way, I wouldn't want to do it without the consent of the IDSA, they moniter this site and these boards closely, and if they even think we're "giving away full versions of old games for free" (even though we aren't) it could be a lot of trouble for both and

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2003 11:42 am
by Amro
But who wouldn't make a copy of the game before sending it?

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2003 1:14 pm
by Kazer0
stupid people, thats whu.l

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2003 10:12 pm
by johpower
As far as this idea it's self: Isn't this already being done in "Find Old Games" to a certain extent? I remember using that forum to trade an old copy of "Dare To Dream 2-3" for a copy of "Solar Winds 2" a while back. I'll consider adding it nonetheless, if only to create a friendlier Marketplace feeling that would inspire people to trade. Expect a result by tomorrow. (It would also give John more work, but what the hell ;) )
Maybe I misunderstood but the note at the beginning of the forum seems to indicate that you guys wanted the FOG forum for use as a place to look up games elsewhere on the net or discover the name of an old game you recalled vaguely by it's characteristics but NO SALES. The rules say:

1. Do not ask for full versions of games if it is not freeware.
2. Do not ask for abandonware.
3. Do not ask for warez.
4. Do not give links to people asking for abandonware/warez on the main board (do it via PM or email....if no email is listed and it's a guest asking, tough!).

(Etc.) So you can see that others may have gotten the same thought and been scared off..... or maybe they never read the rules. Hence I was suggesting a named "Game Marketplace" or "Game Bizarre".

Lastly, please define "warez" in your context. Thank you --Joh

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2003 10:32 pm
by Da_Goat
I could adjust those rules if we wanted to make this marketplace forum too. It would still say "don't post abandonware or warez", but I'd remove the "don't ask for a full version unless it is freeware" tidbit...

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2003 10:07 pm
by Dogbreath
Well, forum #21 has been added.

As far as the context of Warez, I would normally mean any copyrighted game that the publisher is still selling which is recieved without payment to a legal distributer at the expense of the publisher. However, the law currently only looks at the copyright part and treats Abandonware as Warez. (despite that Abandonware doesn't cost the author a dime, but that is a different argument) For this reason, whenever I am talking in terms of what is legal for this website to do, and I only say "Warez" (I usually say Warez/Abandonware, just to make a point of the difference) then that would include Abandonware as well.

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2003 5:55 pm
by Thunderdog
I only see "Warez" as new games being distributed. Abandonware, is too complicated. Most of the time, the companies that made the games that are A-ware arent even around anymore, making it a pain in the ass.

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2003 8:24 am
by johpower
Thank you for the warez def. Just wanted to be sure I was on the page. :)

Saw the new #21; so I thank you and we all thank you (shh, quiet! Too late, he knows. Ah man, now we gotta kill 'em. I ain't gonna do it. You do it. Not me. I'm going for tea and crumpets.)

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2003 3:35 pm
by Da_Vampyre