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Space game, non shooter, strategy old 1996 i think game

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2006 1:50 pm
by bmlong1985 again
and u have to type things on the lower screen to look around and figure why things are happening wierd. example would be, 1. some scientists are missing and youre trying to figure out why, and there are creatures on the moon that you are on. theres a station on the moon u go in and u have to look around to why everyone is missing,

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2006 2:27 pm
by Tompa
Hmm.. "The dig"? Played that as a demo a long time ago. Think you where with two other persons that helped you.

Might be far off... :)

space 2D game reply to nice person that can help me again

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2006 3:24 pm
by bmlong1985 again2
:( no thats not it. theres only one main character on the game im looking for. first scene on the game is you wake from your slumber on a long flight in space to a moon/planet. u then have to get oxygen tank, suit, then get in a smaller space ship which u launch out of the bigger space ship. u automatically go to the moon and u walk around . the games 2D.