need help with remembering a game
Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 12:31 pm
i played this game apsalotly ages ago but it was the coolest game ever and i cnt remember the name of it at all.
it started off with asleep in a house and an evil guy game came up from the water in this robotic fish and tryd 2 kill you but failes u then wuold go off to ge ur reveng by completing the lvls stage by stage.
ur weopen wrom i can remeber was that u could throw wall lookin things wich would hit ppl and then they would follow you every1 except urself was an enermy unless u throw a ball it them to make them on ur team. u could also use them on vechals so that you could use them ur self.
but this is all i can remember does ny1 no wot im on about?
if so could u help. cheers
it started off with asleep in a house and an evil guy game came up from the water in this robotic fish and tryd 2 kill you but failes u then wuold go off to ge ur reveng by completing the lvls stage by stage.
ur weopen wrom i can remeber was that u could throw wall lookin things wich would hit ppl and then they would follow you every1 except urself was an enermy unless u throw a ball it them to make them on ur team. u could also use them on vechals so that you could use them ur self.
but this is all i can remember does ny1 no wot im on about?
if so could u help. cheers