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NIRA Drag Racing

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 2:13 pm
by DiscoQuinn

I'm having some trouble with NIRA Import Drag racing.

I'm an XP user, and followed the Dos games guide on this site in hopes to correct my problem.


The game screen doesn't seem to lay it self out correctly. The entire image is focused on the top of the monitor and lays over itself a few times. The top of the game screen is located below the bottom edge of the game screen. The top of the game screen is also off center, and overlaps itself from left to rigt as well. Where the bottom of the game screen, located above the top, seems to be centered. It's quite confusing.

This is one of my favorite games, and ever since my switch to XP I've never been able to play it.

Any help is welcomed. Thank you for your time.



Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 1:01 am
by The_Sinister_Mastermind
Could be that the game just doesn’t work on XP, a very similar thing happens if you try and play the first 2 X-com games on XP without the XP patch. Try doing a Google search, you might get lucky and find a patch for XP. Just out of interest how old is the game?

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 12:07 pm
by DiscoQuinn
The game from what I know, is from 94-99 era? Not sure of a specific date, however, I tried the game on DosBox and recieved an error regarding a DLL, it may be my copy. I Called Bethesda, the creator, and they no longer sell the game. Ebay doesn't have it, and amazon doesn't ship used video games to Canada. So I'm pretty much out of luck.

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 1:08 pm
by The_Sinister_Mastermind
Ahh Bethesda, I knew I’d seen this game somewhere before. Well there doesn’t appear to be anything on their website, this is all the racing games they have listed on their site. And their online store doesn’t have it either though it does have it’s successor(s) if you're interested. Here’s what Google came up with, not that much of it is any help.

Anyway it’s no real surprise DOSBox didn’t work, for starters this isn’t a DOS based game. There don’t appear to be any XP patches available either, so I’m afraid you may be all out of luck on this one unless you happen to have a pre-XP computer, ie win 9x, it should work fine on that.

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 2:20 pm
by DiscoQuinn

I figured as much.

Need an old laptop or something.

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 8:10 pm
by The_Sinister_Mastermind
Looks like it, I just checked out the NitroSim boards and like everywhere else that has had any info on the game it's since been removed and they've moved onto IHRA Drag Racing. From what I can tell the games look pretty similar, after all they're in the same series, so you might want to think about investing in one of the sequels to NIRA. Especially because you can get help direct from Bethesda, although the games are likely to already be fully XP compatible. If you do want to purchase one of the sequels just click the ‘online store’ link in my previous post.

On the point of old laptops, eBay results for Win 95 & Win 98 laptops. Sorry we couldn’t be of more help.

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 10:01 pm
by DiscoQuinn
It's greatly appreciated. :)

I guess I will have to go to IHRA, although it's not based on import cars, it's based on domestic, I believe the layout is similar. I'm very much interested in the tuning capabilities. NIRA had a built in 'dyno' in which you could theoretically build complete cars from scratch, from any motor (any number of pistons, with any bore and any stroke, with single or dual overhead cams, and any type of induction possible[Naturally Aspirated, Turbocharged, Supercharged]) and based on any platform you wished (awd, fwd, rwd). I know IHRA was similar, however, I can't remember if it allowed such endless possbilities and real time tuning.

I'll give it a shot. :)

Thank you for your time and effort! :love:

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 10:29 pm
by The_Sinister_Mastermind
No problem, and now that you've mentioned all that I really want to play that game :P. I'll have to keep an eye out for it.

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 10:22 pm
by DiscoQuinn
A friend of mine found NIRA for free online! :)

This isn't warez, but a free release of the game, as well as XP support! is a community that support NIRA nad Burnout!

I'm so happy! :)

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 12:37 am
by The_Sinister_Mastermind
Great find :thumbsup:, I had been hoping someone would track this game down from what you described it sounded really good. Thanks for the link.

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 7:00 pm
by DiscoQuinn
I hate to bump an old thread, but I am STILL having this problem of the screen folding over itself. I REALLY would like to play this game.

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 2:03 am
by wardrich
Have you tried running it on a VM?