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Need a name of this game, it's buggin me now

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 4:48 pm
by Amps
OK I've asked my sisters n neither of them can remember what its called it's either spectrum or commodore (maybe even both)
You have 2 wait for little eggs to hatch, there's baddies about like wizardy things, n when the eggs hatch u collect the "chicks?" and take them "home", I remember if you get all of them home at once you get a perfect bonus, anyone know what it's called or anyway I could find out?
Both me and my sisters relate it to Dizzy, but we might just be getting mixed up with Kwiksnax. Thanks

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 10:07 am
Is it Chukie Egg? It was available for many old platforms. It is also available for Dos and there's also a windows remake. There is also a sequel, Chukie Egg II

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 9:47 pm
by Amps
Just check screenshots , it's not chuckie egg, thanks anyway, It's not a platform game, more like Chaos, just the one screen if I remember right. I did remember something else the other day, some of the baddies looked like Wizrobes (like in Zelda)/Black Mages (like Vivi in FFIX) but obviously less detailed.