Monster Trucks by Psygnosis

Help locating old / Pre year 2000 games you used to play.
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Monster Trucks by Psygnosis

Post by Matt »

Now, this game was made origionally for playstation, but is also for pc.
I looked up Monster Trucks on the internet and couldn't find one single thing about it.

Heres my problem, there are two ways to install it, one, by windows, two, by DOS. If i install it using windows xp or 98 SE, it installs ok, but then when you play the game, the screen is all distorted and squashed into only half a screen, but is played at the right speed. If i install it using DOS it installs ok, but when i play the game it is ok, its not squashed or anything, but, it is tooooooo fast.
Now, iv'e tried DOSBox and alot of things but it wont work.
I am only a 14 year old boy and i remember playing this game when i was little. And it worked properly then. Please, if you got anything at all not listed in this post please contact
[email protected]

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King of the Carrot Flowers
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Post by Wally »

Monster Truck Madness right?

Monster Trucks by Psygnosis

Post by matt »

No, this is a game that was made in 1997
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