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Looking for a very old 2D shooting games

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 4:11 am
by YesterdayOnceMore
hi. old game lovers:

I'm looking for such an old 2D shooting games: The player controls his aeroplane to move between small squares and to shoot many aliens, which shoot also to the player's plane. the player must control the plane to move quickly to escape from the shooting dots.

if this forum supprts upload image. then I could demonstrate it clearly... :(

help me folks!



Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 4:28 am
by Guest
one more clue:
I palyed it about 15 yrs ago on AppleII.

Please .....

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 8:30 am
You did say it's 2D right? So it won't be 3D like Horizon V isn't it? Catacomb has squares but no plane.

Sorry, I find it hard to imagine a 2D game with squares. You may like to take a look at screenshots of Apple II shooters and see whether it's one of those listed there.