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Chex Quest

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 5:08 pm
by GameMaster.EXE
Since Chex Quest is similar to 3D-shooting and was made from the DOOM engine, I decided to give it a go on my Win2000 I got a few days ago. I installed the game and ran it. The intro ran fine, the sound and video was good. When the intro ended, the game was supposed to start. Instead, I was presented with a DOS window with text and numbers displayed. I pressed enter but nothing happened. The game wouldn't start. Some time ago on my Win95 I played it with no problem, but something happened that caused the game to malfunction and I had to uninstall it. I'm using my Win95 to post this right now, because I haven't connected my Win2000 to the Internet yet. I would have tried DOSbox but Win2000 isn't hooked up to the net. If DOSbox is smaller then 1.44 MB, I could transfer it to floopy disk then install it on Win2k, but I doubt it is that small.

I need some help here. Thanks in advance.

P.S. I'm using the CD-ROM version of Chex Quest that I found in my cereal box some time ago.
Also, If you know were I can find Chex Quest 2, please tell me.

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 3:15 am
by dosraider
The dosbox installer file is about 1 Mb.(DOSBox0.6301-win32-installer.exe)

And if you want to move files from your W95 compy to your W2k compy that doesn't fit on one flop (and you don't seem to have a CD-RW on your W95?) use winRAR, make the archive directly on your flopdrive using the 'AUTODETECT' in the 'SPLIT VOLUMES' located on the 'GENERAL' tab.
You also can use winZIP, but i find winRAR handyer for such spanned archives.

or ask a USB stick from Wally........ :laugh:

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 10:06 am
by GameMaster.EXE
Alright, I've gotten DOSbox on my Win2k. But what's this........THE "B" AND "N" KEY DON'T WORK? NEITHER DOES THE ARROW KEYS???!!!!!???! @#$%&*!!!!!!
This has been a problem when I first got the computer. Probably the result of running Win2k on old hardware. No wonder it was so cheap.........
Without the "n" key working, I can't get DOSbox to mount the C drive or play any games without the arrow keys.
*sigh* I'll get back to you if not tomorrow, Wednesday. Or possibly Friday. I'll be busy during the week more often.
For now I'll go shopping for a new keyboard........

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 11:05 am
by dosraider
You always can make a batch file in windows with the nessecery commands in it.

mount c e:\games
mount d i:\ -t cdrom - usecd 0 -ioctl
cd whatever

you can also use keymapper in dosbox to re assign another key as your N key , run dosbox and hit <CTRL>+<F1> to open the keymapper, it is self explaining.

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 12:04 pm
by GameMaster.EXE
The n, b, arrow keys, ? and / don't work at all, neither in Windows or DOSbox.
Reassign letters? Maybe I'll try it........
Nah, it's easier just to get a new keyboard.

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 7:27 am
by dosraider
I has overlooked the arrow keys weren't working on W2K also.
Yep better get another keyboard, doesn't has to be a new one, W2K (and all W's) can very well work with old keyboards aslong they are technicaly ok. Keydropouts aren't caused by your OS, it's the hardware who's letting you down.

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 5:14 pm
by GameMaster.EXE
dosraider wrote: it's the hardware who's letting you down.
I suspected so.

Well, only the up arrow key works. :shame: