Gorillas type game with planets and gravity

Help locating old / Pre year 2000 games you used to play.
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Gorillas type game with planets and gravity

Post by mizunoX »

Years and years ago I downloaded a shareware (maybe freeware?) game from my local library..

It was similar to gorillas in how you would type in your angle and velocity then let a projectile fly, only this game has planets and gravity so the missiles curve and spin around the screen based on the location of these planets. Of course you were not a gorilla either, you were a space ship.

It was a blast, and I've been looking for it for years.. does anyone remember this game?
I believe it was 16 Color game.

Post by mizunoX »


Gravity game

Post by JoeRoach »

Gravity Wars was one, but I have been looking for a slightly newer version that was multiplayer (up to 4, I think), had planets, gravity effects, different types of ships, weapons and shields...sort of like Scorched (tanks) but in between the old Scorched and the new version (which is totally cool, btw). The weapons were really cool, similar to Scorched. Any ideas? Thanks.

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