Epic game-problems

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Epic game-problems

Post by Guest »


I have downloaded dosbox and used it to run Jazz Jackrabbit and One Must Fall, but the games run very slow - too slow. Some kind of lagging. Can someone help me, please? How can I make them run normal?
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Post by dosraider »

You can find this info all over the board, but i will repeat it once more.
Dosbox need CPU power, how more how better it will work.
First: get a clean system, no animations, shut everything down that is running on the background and isn't needed , and i mean everything.
(internet-msn-etcetera...yes also your nice 'active desktop',all those nice toys that are unneeded and eating your sys resources)

play with the cpu-cycles, F12 to raise them, F11 to lower them.
Also if that's not enough you can set some frameskip, F8 to raise and F7 to lower.

Get yourself to read the dosbox readme and set your cpu priority high or even highest.

Post by Guest »

Hi it's me again

Thanks! Now, it runs normal :)
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