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Master Games Collection by IVT help!

Posted: Sun May 08, 2005 7:04 am
by Guest
I have the cd and it has a lot of DOS games but I can't remember how to install it and I don't have the instructions. I've looked all over the internet and there's no website for the company or anything, I even resorted to looking on ebay and asking people selling the game if they knew how to install it.

I know there was some sort of DOS command to get it to run but I can't remember and I tried just looking in the cd and running random .bat and .exe files but they don't install the program.

Anyone know how to install this game?!

Posted: Sun May 08, 2005 7:31 am
by dosraider
go to your cddrive and look for a *.bat or *.exe with the name of the game's cd or looking as it.
Or a 'go'bat,'start', 'run' or something simular.
Also look for a '' 'readme.fst'or '*.nfo' file, or 'readme.1st' , 'howto.txt' allmost anything with *.TXT or *.DOC them (if present) with notepad.
Also possible there is a readme.exe but you will probably need to go trough dosbox to be able to start that one .

Seems looking and searching will be your destiny..... :)

Edit:"I have the cd and it has a lot of DOS games" menu.* ???