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Howitzer running in DOSBox

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 11:57 pm
by Guest
My brother-in-law turned me on to Scorched Earth. A game I seemed to recognize, but not the name. Turns out, I had played Howitzer, a name that I found here on the boards (eventually) anyway, I can only get it to run in DOS box (again, thanks to these boards) but the problem is that it seems that there is black text on a black background, for instance any Hotkeys while playing are invisible as well as any items to purchase in between matches. It makes the game almost unplayable. Is there any way to fix this?

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 3:01 pm
by Guest
well, i got a fix sort of. If you hit the T key on the setup menu (the first screen after the splash screen) it toggles on and off Team Mode, but it also seems to switch the color palette. Some are pretty hard to read, but at least there is some contrast.

I suggest if you like Scorched Earth, to try out Howitzer.