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Dos Mate

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 5:46 pm
by emwearz
I created a small program called Dos Mate which help's you to play DOS games on newer machines. for more info.

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 7:01 pm
by dr_st
What games can it play that won't run if you just launch them through Windows?

Re: Dos Mate

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 9:06 am
emwearz for more info.
I just tried your program, Dos Mate. Must say it has a nice menu, easy to use, just need to run the game.

Just one thing, I think it may not suitable for all systems although it is meant to help Win XP. You had included the game Alley Cat in the download and I tried on it first. By the way, I use Win XP. Alley Cat came up all blurry like the image had many shadows of itself although the sound was okay (used the internal bleeping speaker). Dosbox was better as the graphics are fine and the sound is better using the external speaker.

Since there was the mention of Prince of Persia 4D, I tried it and it ran okay. However, when I exited the game, the Dos Mate menu I return to was white and full of lines just like when exiting Alley Cat. Anyway, I can ran Prince of Persia 4D fine directly from Win XP without any emulators.

Anyway, your emulator could turn out to be useful maybe after more improvements to be compatible with more PCs and not just the one you tested on.

For the meantime, I'll stick to Dosbox because of works well and it is not difficult to use using a windows front-end. If it could improved to work well on my PC, I might consider using it instead Dosbox as a more convenient means of running a game.