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Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 8:46 am
by Guest
I have the battlechess collection, and I recently downloaded DOSbox to play them, and three of them worked, but Battle chess enhanced cd rom doesn't work for some reason. The game launches, but I'm left with a blank screen. PLEASE, ANYONE WHO HAS ANY INFORMATION ON HOW I CAN GET THIS TO WORK OR A GOOD DOWNLOAD OR ANYTHING SO I CAN PLAY THIS GAME PLEASE REPLY!!!!!!!!!!! THANKS!!!!!!!

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 11:15 pm
by Lumina the Hedgehog
Have you tried using the Windows version? I have a copy of Battle Chess Enhanced (not from the Battle Chess Collection, but from an old collection of CD's called the 5ft. 10 Pak Vol. 2), and my copy of the game has both DOS and Windows versions on the CD.

Although the Windows version is written for Windows 3.1, I installed it on my Windows XP system and it seems to run quite happily. If you can't get the DOS version to work, try the Windows version (if it's on your Battle Chess CD).

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 10:49 am
by Guest
Is there anyway you can copy it for me so I could download it? I've been looking everywhere for a download, but it's nowhere to be found :(