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Aces Over Europe

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 6:43 pm
by IconSlave
I was wondering if aces over europe was actually freeware ? I used to play the game ages ago when it first came out, and i saw on the website yall had Red barron, but i was wondering if Aces over Europe was freeware or not? Ive been trying to find it, and the only place i could find it was underdogs but couldnt download it.

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 4:34 am
by Whizzer
Mate go to google and serach for free dos games then go searching it is freeware and go to sierra for an update i found one for red baron!!! Really belive me im not joking

Link exchange

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 4:17 pm
by Laura Tillman
Hi there

I have been given the task of getting links for our websites that have good page rank on the links directories.
In addition we have many categories so your site will be place on an appropriate page.
If you would like to trade links please send me your website linking details.
Our apologies if you do not wish to take part in a link exchange.

Best Regards,

Laura Tillman

[email protected]